TENNs-PLEIADES: Building Temporal Kernels with Orthogonal Polynomials

Introducing TENNs-PLEIADES (PoLynomial Expansion in Adaptive Distributed Event-based Systems), an innovative method within the TENNs (Temporal Neural Network) family.

TENNs-PLEIADES excels in directly performing spatio-temporal classification on data from event-based sensors. These sensors offer ultra low-latency, and until now, processing their signals in a principled manner has been a significant challenge. By utilizing a unique kernel parameterization based on orthogonal polynomials, TENNs-PLEIADES achieves state-of-the-art performance across three distinct datasets: Hand Gesture Recognition, Eye Tracking, and PROPHESEE’s 1 Megapixel Automotive Detection.

TENNs-PLEIADES is fully supported on Akida 2.0 IP and represents the latest advancement in event-based and neuromorphic processing.

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