Nandan Nayampally Featured on “AI with Sally”
BrainChip CMO Nandan Nayampally was a featured guest on the December podcast hosted by Senior EETimes reporter and AI specialist, Sally Ward-Foxton.
The podcast explores numerous topics including the technical underpinnings and the benefits of neuromorphic computing and BrainChip technology, the necessity of robust software stacks and ease of use, the need for hardware portability for the proliferation of Edge AI and the growth of TinyML into the mainstream of AIoT.
The discussion dives into BrainChip’s Akida technology and its support for more complex networks, the addition of 8-bit support and skip connections, the unique temporal event-based neural networks (TENNs), the impact of adding Vision Transformers into an Edge device, the need for configurability and intelligence in the software runtimes as well as the perceived challenges of neuromorphic design and how BrainChip overcomes them.
Nayampally shared his excitement about the second generation of the Akida™ IP, and why BrainChip’s offering differs from competitors.’ He spoke on BrainChip’s purposeful choice of digital IP as a product model and its role as insurance in an unpredictable hardware market. Listen in for an intriguing conversation between these two industry pros.